El Taller TRES es un espacio abierto. Si tienes un proyecto o quieres venir a trabajar tenemos diferentes alternativas de arriendo (mensual o por hora), o uniéndote al equipo como aprendiz o ayudante.
AGOSTO 2018 - París, Francia
Método: Exploración / Experimentación
Participa: Charlotte Perrin
The discovery of a territory through sensitive experience, or how artistic practice permits to apprehend, to understand and to appropriate the world by placing the body and senses at the center of space. Public space and artistic creation, how to create the common from an individual expression? How can the public and collective space be both a space of exchange and introspection?
The question "How is it, there? "is the starting point of this research-action conducted in Paris during a summer month 2018. How do we discover a space? When can we say we know it? How do we remember a space and how do we tell it?
If artistic creation is a means of knowing oneself and the world, and of transmission, it is equipped with pencils and pastels that I decide to survey the city for an artistic starting-up/practice. Attentive to the space around me, I trace, note, reinvent, remind myself.
As I wander, observe, meet and research, a sensitive cartography is drawn up based on my aesthetic, emotional and cultural experience of the places I visit. I draw in situ, from memory, experimenting with new techniques: it is a question of understanding space through curiosity and sensitivity.
Thereafter, it will be a question of following the trace of the work carried out, of going back up the wire of the woven connections because in the generated cartography, there is no more time or space: everything could have happened. On a background of reality, imagination has embroidered new patterns. Spaces have been transformed into sets, people into characters, conversations into dialogues.
Highlighting a work method generated by doing so will later allow the intimate experience to be shared with others. Going through a given territory with several people will certainly be an opportunity to open up new perspectives, to multiply approaches, to enrich the stories and geographies of each person.
The public space, place of plurality and multiple visions, would then become the possible space where the intimate can arise, express itself, share itself. A place to create images that others, perhaps, will make their own in their mental geographies.
Key words: art research, practical experiences, expression, creativity, art production, experimenting, memory, transmission, territory, space, public space, exploring, mapping, low tech, human body, performance.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement n°734855.